III John 9-10
Not in the world nor of it
Escapist, other worldly
I am lord
Does things their way only
Focuses power on controlling
Callous dictator
Pseudo freedom from family of origin
Imposes expectations on others to prop up a pseudo identity
Control of others
Power used to build up self
Out of balance
Rigid doctrinal boundaries for the mind
Rigid relational boundaries for the heart
Rigid spiritual boundaries for the soul.
Rigid behavioral boundaries for the body.
Exclusive/fortress mentality
Moralistic & legalistic. law, shame, condemnation
Pseudo Sexual integrity and Sexual abuse
Pseudo Undivided Soul.
Pastor/Church with rigid emotional boundaries.
Out of touch with their feelings and the feelings of others. Attempt to control the feelings of others.
Infect others with their anxiety.
They don’t change but force others to change.
Me, Myself, & I
Triangulates others
Pseudo Self
The Need to Feel Safe is met by playing a role, keeping others at a distance, and being a control freak.
Self's deepest need for community & a sense of self is met by claiming they are special and thus can live as if they are an island.
Authority is external for it is bolstered by a position and not the character of the person.
Respect is demanded using Scripture alone.
Very anxious to maintain control of others for control equals peace with the appearance of peace and slick professionalism.
Overly focused tunnel vision
Church feels used
Very anxious control of chaos
Impose goals on others.
Those practicing Congregational Henpecking are identified, rebuked, disciplined and sometimes expelled.
Congregational Henpecking is eliminated through manipulation.
No Individual freedom
Pastor is a church killer
Slick professionalism in the worst sense of the word for appearance is everything and personal character is not maintained.
The Reverend C.E.O.
Manipulator and Exterminator
The Executive office person
Invisible during the week and invincible on Sunday
Cult or Cultish